Si quieren ver más o menos dónde está todo, acá hay un mapa.
How about a virtual mini-tour of the university's campus? Taking advantage of the fact that the day was sunny for a change (sunny photos look so much nicer!), and that I had a few errands to run on campus yesterday, I took a ton of pics.
If you want to see more or less where everything is, there's a map here.
El Millenium Garden, en el centro del campus.
The Millenium Gardens, near the centre of campus.
Caminando desde Millenium Gardens hasta el edificio donde está el school of Economics.
Walking from the Millenium Gardens to the building where the school of Economics is located
Y esté es el edificio Sir Clive Granger, donde está la sede del School of Economics y donde voy a tener la mayor parte de mis clases.
And this is the Sir Clive Granger building, where the seat of the School of Economics is located and where I'll be having most of my classes.
Caminando desde el edificio de Economía hasta el Cripps Health Centre, donde tenía que pedir hora para darme la segunda dosis de la antitetánica. La casa casi palaciega que van a ver es uno de los halls de residencia, el Hugh Stewart. Muuuuy lindo, por lo menos de afuera. De seguro más lindo que los bloques de ladrillo donde estoy yo!
Walking from the Economics building to the Cripps Health Centre, where I needed to make an appointment for my tetanus shot booster. The almost palatial house you'll see is one of the residence halls, the Hugh Stewart Hall. Veeery nice, at least from the outside. Definitely better looking than the brick blocks where I am!
Vista del Trent Building, desde adelante del Portland.
View of the Trent Building, from in front of the Portland building.
Y... el propio Portland building.
And... the Portland building itself.
Adelante de Trent y Portland hay un lago, y acá pueden ver una vista de Trent desde la orilla de ese lago.
There's a lake in front of Trent and Portland, and here's a view of Trent from the side of that lake.
Y acá está el propio lago.
And here's the lake itself.
Al costado del lago hay unos pequeños acantilados.
Next to the lake, some little cliffs.
Puente a través de parte del lago.
Bridge across part of the lake.
La orilla del lago es un punto muy popular para relajarse y leer cuando hay un día lindo.
The lakeside is a popular relaxing and reading spot when the day is fine.
El campus está lleno de ardillas.
There's lots of squirrels on campus.
Volviendo a clase, pasando a través del courtyard del edificio Trent.
Back to class, walking through the courtyard of the Trent Building.
Saliendo de la universidad hacia la entrada Oeste, por donde voy a mi residencia.
Exiting the university towards the West Entrance, through which I get to my residence.
Y acercándome a la entrada Oeste.
And approaching the West Entrance.
Finalmente, esta foto la saqué parada al costado de la Entrada Oeste, mirando hacia afuera de la universidad. El complejo de edificios de ladrillo que se ve pasando la rotonda es Broadgate Park. Como ven, estoy bien cerquita.
Finally, I took this photo standing by the side of the West Entrance, looking out of the university. The brick buildings complex you see past the roundabout is Broadgate Park. As you see, I'm really close by.