Yo lamentablemente pude ir sólo uno de los tres días, y sólo por una hora, porque he estado con clase todos los días. Los de economía debemos ser de los poquitos que ya empezamos (es un curso de nivelación en matemáticas, básicamente, no clase regular, pero igual lleva un monton de tiempo). Igual, en esa horita me pude anotar a un par de cosas. Sólo tuve que decidirme rápido!
The university has lots of activities during Week One, especially to welcome the "freshers", the freshmen. One of those activities is Freshers' Fayre, a fair where in addition to many commercial stands, there's a huge sector of stands where all the clubs and societies of the university introduce themselves, and where you can usually sign up for a discounted price.
Unfortunately, I could only go one of the three days, and only for an hour, because I've been having class every day. We in the school of economics are probably one of the very few who've already started (it's just a pressesional maths course, not regular lectures, but it still takes lots of time). Anyway, in that short hour, I could still sign up for a couple of things. I just had to make up my mind really fast!
Así se veía la fayre. Lleno, lleno de gente.
This is what the fayre looked like. Completely packed.
Las sociedades de ajedrez y de poker, haciendo lo suyo.
The chess and poker societies, doing their thing.
Piratas! Club de piratas! Casi me uno. Entre las actividades que listan, están juntarse a ver películas de piratas y clases de esgrima. Suena divertido!
Pirates! A pirate society! I almost joined up. Among the activities they list are getting together to watch pirate movies and swordfighting classes. Sounds like fun!
Y acá está lo que finalmente terminé haciendo. Me uní a las sociedades de yoga (voy a tratar de seguir con pilates, pero es sólo una vez por semana, así que seguramente también haga alguna clase de power yoga) y de travel (que básicamente organiza viajes a distintas partes de UK). Además compré un ticket para ir a ver al Nottingham Forest... la sociedad de fans del Forest los estaban ofreciendo por 1 libra, y justamente esa era una de las cosas que quería hacer acá.!
And here's what I ended up doing. I signed up for the yoga society (I'm going to try to keep on doing pilates, but it's just a week, so I'll just compensate with some power yoga) and the travel society (which basically organizes trips to different locations in the UK). I also bought a ticket to go see a Nottingham Forest game... the Forest fans soc was offering them for just a pound, and it was one of the things I wanted to do here!