Yo tenía la esperanza que conservara alguna de sus características de feria, con algún área más tradicional, pero no tuve suerte. Lo que pude ver es 100% montañas rusas y calesitas y jueguitos para ganar muñecos de peluche, etc. Mucho ruido y muchas luces. A riesgo de quedar como una aburrida, confieso que no fue lo más divertido que he hecho últimamente.
These are pics of the Nottingham Goose Fair, a fair organized in Nottingham for the last 700 and which once was the largest in Europe. It was originally a trade fair, where pretty much everything was bought and sold (including great numbers of geese, thus the name), but lately it's became purely an amusement park.
I had the hope it might retain some of its more fair-like characteristics, maybe with some area of more traditional offerings, but I was out of luck. What I could see was 100% rollercoasters and all kinds of rides and games. Lots of noise and lots of lights. At the risk of sounding like a bore, I confess it was not the most entertaining thing I've done lately.
Cuando llegamos. Recién anochecía y todavía la feria se estaba llenando.
When we arrived. It was just after sunset and the fair was still filling up.
Probando el plato típico del evento, puré de arvejas con salsa de menta. Muy rico, la verdad.
Trying the typical dish of the event: hot mushy peas in mint sauce. Really good, actually.
El jueguito que más me impresionó: lo del medio es una esfera de metal, y adentro hay gente. Lo que une a la esfera a los postes son cuerdas de bungee, así que se imaginarán como salta la esferita esa!!
The ride I found the most jaw-dropping: That thing in the middle is a metal sphere, and there's people strapped to its inside. What joins the sphere to the posts are bungee cords, so you can imagine how that little sphere bounces!
Más tarde en la noche.
Later that evening.
No quise preguntar qué estaban vendiendo ahí.
I didn't want to ask what they were selling there.
Por alguna razón, lo del Fabio 1 y Mr. Whippy me hizo mucha gracia. Quien sepa algo de romance novels va a entender.
For some reason, that whole Fabio 1 and Mr. Whippy thing made me laugh. I guess only romance readers will get this one.
Con Ling, casi a la hora de irnos (y deseando que llegara el momento, porque hacía mucho frío)
With Ling, almost at the end of our visit (and wishing the time would come, as it was really, really cold).
Ling con el muñequito que ganó tirando dardos. Estaba indignada (y con razón), porque si hubiera perdido se hubiera llevado uno más grande. No tiene sentido (excepto hacer que juegues nuevamente, que me imagino será la idea).
Ling with the little stuffed bear she won throwing darts. She was outraged (and with good reason) because if she'd lost, she'd have gotten a bigger one. Makes no sense (other than to have you play again, which I guess is the point)