Tuvimos suerte, porque justo ese día había por todo el bosque gente vestida con atuendos medievales y demostrando cómo se vivía en la época, así que estuvo muy pintoresco!
Last Sunday I had an activity called "A Day in and About Sherwood Forest", organised by the Postgraduate Student Association. As the name indicates, the first thing we did was visit Sherwood Forest, where we saw the Major Oak, where Robin Hood's headquarters are said to have been located.
We were very lucky, because that day the forest was full of people dressed up in medieval costumes and demonstrating how they lived at the time, so it was especially picturesque.
En la entrada del parque. Atrás mío, Robin Hood y Little John peleando sobre el puente.
At the entrance to the park. Behind me, Robin Hood and Little John fighting on the bridge.
El camino hacia el Roble, por entre lo que queda del Bosque de Sherwood.
The way to the Oak, through what's left of Sherwood Forest.
Al costado del camino, una señora mostrando las medicinas de la época. Nos quedamos un rato charlando con ella al respecto. La verdad que sabía un montón, y no sólo de medicinas medievales.
To the side of the path, a lady showing the medicines of the time. We stayed for a while chatting with her about that. She really knew a lot, and not just about medieval medicine.
También al costado del camino, un fabricante de instrumentos musicales.
Also at the side of the path, a maker of musical instruments.
Finalmente, en el Major Oak. Realmente enorme.
Finally, at the Major Oak. Really huge.
Al lado del roble, un campamento entero de esta gente vestida de época.
By the oak, a whole camp of people dressed in costume.
Incluso cocinaban como lo hacían antes.
They even cooked as they did back in medieval times.
Y acá hay un videito del campamento. Es el primero que levanto, así que espero que se vea bien!
And here's a short video of the scene at the camp. It's the first I upload, so I hope it looks all right!
Por una libra, te enseñaban a usar el arco y flecha como Robin Hood. Desafortunadamente había cola y no teníamos tiempo de esperar porque nuestro bus se iba.
For a pound, you could learn how to use the bow and arrows as Robin Hood did. Unfortunately, there was a queue and we had no time to wait, because our bus was leaving.
Había hasta Knights Hospitallers, los Caballeros Hospitalarios.
There were even Knights Hospitallers.
Los niños también participan.
Children participate, too.
No saben lo que pesaba el escudito ese!
You have no idea how incredibly heavy that shield was!
Después del Bosque de Sherwood, fuimos a otro parque que quedaba cerca, Clumber Park. Unos jardines realmente hermosos, diseñados por Capability Brown (cuyo nombre reconocí de mis novelas rosas, jaja!!), y una capilla gótica hermosa.
After Sherwood Forest, we went to another nearby park, Clumber Park. The gardens were really spectacular, designed by Capability Brown (whose name I recognized from my romance novels, lol!), and there was also a beautiful gothic chapel.
La capilla.
The chapel.
Y la vista desde la capilla. Una belleza.
And the view from the chapel. Beautiful.
Estaba lleno de patos y cisnes.
There were ducks and swans everywhere.
A la vuelta, pasamos por delante de esta tienda, que revela el secreto de Lady Marian! ;-)
On our way out, we went by this store, which revealed Maid Marian's secret ;-)
Finalmente (luego de media hora en un bosque de pinos donde no había nada para hacer), fuimos a Rufford Abbey, una abadía cistercense fundada en el siglo XII. La parte de arriba está en ruinas, pero quedan varias partes en pie, especialmente abajo, y han restaurado gran parte de los jardines y de los edificios periféricos.
Finally (after half an hour in a pine forest where there was nothing to do), we headed over to Rufford Abbey, a Cistercian abbey founded in the 12th century. The upper part is in ruins, but there are several parts standing, especially downstairs, and most of the gardens and many outbuildings have been restored.
De frente, a primera vista parece estar todo bien, pero...
From the front, things seem all right at first sight, but...
Abajo se ven bien los restos de la abadía.
Downstairs you can see the remains of the abbey very clearly.
Hay algunas muestras, como lo que comían los monjes para el desayuno.
There are some exhibits, like what the monks used to eat for breakfast.
Una de las partes del estate construida más tarde, y restaurada recientemente.
One of the parts of the estate, built later and restored recently.
Los jardines del frente.
The front gardens.
Un pequeño inconveniente a la hora de irnos: el conductor no podía abrir la puerta, y tuvimos que esperar un buen rato. Finalmente entramos por la puerta de emergencia, porque nunca lograron abrir la principal.
A slight problem when time came to leave: the driver couldn't open the door, and we had to wait for a good while. Finally, we entered through the emergency door, because they never could get the main one opened.