This weekend my cousin Lili came to visit. It was wonderful seeing her and we had a wonderful time, even though it rained all Sunday, so poor Lili could only see Nottingham in the rain. The only photos we have of that day are from when we went into the pub, because between the cold, the gloves, the umbrellas and all the shopping bags (lots of shopping going on that day!), we just weren't up for taking out our cameras anywhere else. Not even after Lili actually bought a suitcase and we put all the bags in there ;-)
Esta foto es del sábado de noche, en el Last Post, que es el pub al que voy normalmente en Beeston. No sé qué pasa que en las fotos que estoy tomando siempre salgo con bebidas que no son mías... yo estaba tomando una pint de ale, no cerveza en botella! Lástima que no aparecemos de cuerpo completo, porque Lili estaba re punky, jaja!
This pic is from Saturday night at the Long Post, the pub I regularly go to in Beeston. I don't know what's going on with my drinking pictures, but I always come out holding drinks which aren't mine... I was drinking a pint of draught ale, not bottled beer! Too bad this is not a full-body photo, as Lili had a great punk look going on, lol!
Y esta es el domingo, en el Old Trip to Jerusalem, en el centro de Nottingham. La idea era ir tipo 7.30 - 8.00, pero estaba tan horrible afuera que terminamos chupando a las 4.30 de la tarde y yéndonos temprano para casa. Noten mi onda pollito mojado.
And this one's on Sunday, at the Old Trip to Jerusalem, in downtown Nottingham. The idea was to go there around 7.30 or 8.00, but it was so horrible out that we ended up having some drinks at 4.30 and just going home early. Note how I looked like a wet chicken by then.
Ya que estábamos ahí aprovechamos para sacar unas cuantas fotos del pub. Ya he mencionado que este es supuestamente el pub más viejo del mundo, habiendo sido fundado en el siglo XII. Está construido contra el acantilado sobre el que estaba el castillo, así que todas las paredes de atrás son justamente el acantilado.
As long as we were there, we seized the chance to take a few photos of the pub. I've mentioned before that this is reputedly the world's oldest pub, having been founded in the 12th century. It's built against the cliffs over which Nottingham castle was built, so all the back walls are the cliffs themselves.
Este es el galeón maldito acerca del cual nos contaron en el Ghost Walk, el que si alguien lo toca se cae muerto. De ahí las telarañas que tiene, porque para limpiarlo habría que tocarlo!
This is the cursed galleon about which we were told in the Ghost Walk, the one of which it's said that whoever touches it immediately drops dead . That's why it's got all those cobwebs, because to clean it one would have to touch it!
El piso de arriba. Todos estos cuartos fueron hechos para dentro del acantilado.
The upper floor. All these rooms were carved into the cliffs.
Una mesita y el bar del piso de arriba.
One of the little tables and the bar in the upper floor.
La mesa más rara que vi. Esta está en el piso de abajo, y es un mini cuartito con esta estructura en el medio. Aparentemente la idea es pararse alrededor y apoyar la bebida ahí...
This is the strangest table I saw. It's in the ground floor, and it's a tiny room with this structure in the middle. Apparently, what you do is just stand around it and you can put down your drinks on it.
El bar de la planta baja. Como ven, pegados por todo el techo hay billetes de todas partes del mundo. No vi ningún uruguayo, pero ni Lili ni yo teníamos ninguno.
The ground floor bar. As you see, there are foreign bills stuck all over the ceiling. I didn't see any Uruguayan ones, but neither Lili nor I had any on us.
Al rato de que habíamos llegado a casa Lili mira por la ventana y me dice "pah, es lluvia parece nieve". Miramos bien, y era nieve nomás, la primera que he visto en mi vida. Así que rápidamente nos pusimos las botas y un abrigo sobre nuestros respectivos piyamas y salimos. Por lo que nos dicen todos los locales es muy temprano para que haya nevado, así que espero que eso no quiera decir que se viene un invierno de miedo.
A while after we arrived home Lili looked out the window and said "that rain looks a bit like snow". So we opened the window and looked carefully, and it was, indeed, snow, the first I've seen in my entire life. So we quickly pulled on our boots and coats over our pijamas and went out. According to all the locals, it's quite early for snow here, so I hope it doesn't mean we can expect an especially cruel winter.
Foto desde mi puerta
Photo from my door
Lili y yo, mojándonos un poco.
Lili and I getting a bit wet.
Nieve en mi cabeza.
Snow on my head
Cuando subimos nos comimos un pudding de Navidad bien calentito que había comprado ese día en el centro. Creo que este no era muy buena calidad, la verdad, pero estaba rico igual. Quizás con algunas pasas menos...
When we came up we warmed ourselves by eating some hot Christmas pudding I'd bought downtown. I think this one wasn't really very good quality, but it was quite nice anyway. Maybe with fewer raisins...
Y ta, eso es todo amigos. Ya al otro día a las 7.30 de la mañana Lili se tomó el ómnibus y se fue de vuelta para Londres, *snif*. Así que... quién va a ser el próximo en venir? :-D
And that was all, folks. The following morning, at 7.30, Lili took the bus and went back to London *sobs* So... who'll be the next one to come visit me? :-D