Still catching up. The trip to Manchester was on February 2nd, one of the coldest days last winter. It had snowed the previous night and I was just recovering from a pretty brutal cold, so it wasn't one of my best days.
Noche anterior, saliendo del cumpleaños de Nico. Recién estaba empezando a nevar. Por lo menos estaba bien abrigada, aunque reconozco que me veía ridícula. Mis amigos se reían y me decían que parecía Kenny, el de South Park.
The night before, walking home after Nico's birthday. It was just starting to snow. At least I was warmly dressed, although I'm aware that I look quite ridiculous. My friends laughed and told me I looked like Kenny, from South Park.
La mañana siguiente, yendo hacia el bus para salir para Manchester.
The following morning, walking towards the bus that would take us to Manchester.
En Manchester, apenas llegada. El edificio de atrás mío creo que es un hotel.
In Manchester, just arrived. I believe the building behind me is a hotel.
Estatua de Gladstone, Primer Ministro británico del siglo XIX. Queda gracioso con la paloma en la cabeza, no?
Statue of Gladstone, 19th century British Prime Minister. He looks funny with the bird on his head, no?
Monumento al Príncipe Albert, esposo de la Reina Victoria.
Monument to Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria.
El Town Hall (que sería como la Intendencia). Según wikipedia "un ejemplo de arquitectura Gothic revival de la era Victoriana".
The Town Hall. According to wikipedia: "an example of Victorian era Gothic revival architecture."
La entrada del Town Hall. El cartel anuncia los festejos por el Año Nuevo chino, que iba a tener lugar la semana siguiente.
The Town Hall's entrance. The sign is announcing the celebrations for the Chinese New Year, which was taking place the following week.
Adentro del Town Hall. No había mucho y estaba vacío, pero nos dejaron recorrer tranquilos y ver los interiores lujosísimos.
Inside the Town Hall. There wasn't much going on and it was quite empty, but we were allowed to take a good look and walk through the very luxurious rooms.
Esta escultura es de un director de orquesta. Me pareció buenísima.
This is a sculpture representing an orchestra conductor. I thought it was brilliant.
Mosaico en el piso de la Abejita Industriosa de Manchester (Manchester Busy Bee), símbolo de la industria de la ciudad.
Floor mosaic of the Manchester Busy Bee, symbol of industry.
Callecita del costado del Town Hall, con un puente cubierto que lo comunica con un edificio de al lado.
Small street by the Town Hall, with a covered bridge that communicates it with a building next door.
La Galería de Arte de Manchester.
The Manchester Art Gallery.
Adentro de la Galería. Pasamos un par de horas allí, y valió la pena. Había un montón de cosas espectaculares.
Inside the Gallery. We spent a couple of hours there, and it was worth it. There were so many spectacular objects.
Plaza. Tratamos de averiguar que significado tenía esa pared, pero no decía nada en ningún lado.
Square. We tried to find out what meaning that wall might have, but there was no info anywhere.